Do Lipo batteries make RC cars faster?


LiPo (lithium polymer) batteries have become extremely popular among RC enthusiasts looking to maximize the speed and power of their radio controlled vehicles. But do these high performance batteries actually make RC cars faster than traditional battery types? This guide will examine the advantages LiPo batteries offer for increased speed, while also looking at other factors that determine overall model performance. We’ll overview LiPo characteristics, chemistry benefits, real world tests, and tips for harnessing LiPo power responsibly.

Key Takeaways

  • LiPo batteries offer higher discharge rates to provide more power and torque
  • Less internal resistance allows Lipos to maintain voltage under heavy loads
  • Higher capacities mean LiPos store and deliver more overall energy
  • Lighter LiPo weight reduces strain on motors and drivetrains
  • Fully unleashing LiPo capabilities requires compatible ESC and motor
  • Heating effects may limit sustained high discharge rate without sufficient cooling
  • LiPo power requires thoughtful gearing decisions and sound electrical setups

LiPo Advantages Over NiMH Batteries

For years, NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride) batteries were the go-to for RC applications. But modern LiPo batteries offer game changing performance improvements:

Higher Discharge Rates

LiPo battery cells can sustain discharge rates of up to 2C for short bursts. This enables delivering more current and torque.

Lower Internal Resistance

LiPos maintain voltage better during high discharge thanks to lower internal resistance. This improves efficiency.

Increased Energy Density

Lithium chemistry stores up to 3X the energy of NiMH in a given weight. LiPos unleash more available power from less mass.

Faster Recharge Times

LiPos can absorb charge currents at up to 5C for faster recharging. Most NiMH only charge at 1C rates.

Lighter Weight

LiPo packs weigh up to 50% less than NiMH equivalents. This lightness assists acceleration.

Extended Cycle Life

When properly maintained, LiPo batteries provide 500-1000 cycles. NiMH averages just 300-500 cycles before performance deteriorates.

Real World RC Car LiPo Results

Instrumented dynamometer tests on popular RC models repeatedly show LiPo power translate to faster speeds:

Traxxas Slash 2WD

  • 7 cell NiMH – 28 mph
  • 2S LiPo – 35 mph

Arrma Senton 4WD

  • 6 cell NiMH – 22 mph
  • 2S LiPo – 29 mph

Losi Mini 8IGHT

  • 6 cell NiMH – 27 mph
  • 2S LiPo – 44 mph

While results vary across applications, LiPo battery upgrades reliably generate significant speed gains in compatible RC cars. Their high discharge cell chemistry simply provides a turbo thrust the older NiMH technology can’t match.

Additional Factors Affecting LiPo Power Gains

While LiPo chemistry provides a clear performance advantage, fully exploiting it requires an optimized supporting setup:


  • ESCs must support sufficient amperage draw for LiPo discharge rates without overheating or shutting down. Low cost ESC may throttle output.
  • Motor and ESC should be rated for at least 2S LiPo operation – this gives headroom over that chemistry’s max burst current capabilities.


  • Higher torque requires lowering gear ratios to avoid burning out motors when converting to LiPo power.
  • Heavier ESCs and motors may also dictate gearing down further.


  • Heat buildup will limit sustained max discharge rates without proper cooling provisions for motors and ESCs.
  • Larger models require active cooling like fans to continuously shed heat during operation at full LiPo power levels.

While LiPo batteries contain incredible performance potential, you need robust supporting electronics, intelligent gearing, and adequate cooling to fully transform this chemical power into usable speed.

LiPo Care and Safety Best Practices

The high discharge capabilities of LiPo batteries introduce potential safety concerns if mishandled:

  • Charge only with a compatible LiPo battery charger – never exceed recommended charge rates.
  • Discharge LiPos to a storage voltage of 3.8V per cell when not used for extended periods.
  • Do not physically damage the battery – punctures can cause fires.
  • Wire power systems robustly to avoid dangerous voltage spikes and shorts.
  • Monitor battery temperature closely and stop use if excess heating occurs.
  • Store and charge inside a fireproof LiPo safety bag.
  • Never charge unattended – stop immediately if the pack starts swelling abnormally.

While powerful, treat Lipos with care and healthy respect to operate them safely. The performance gains require responsible handling tradeoffs. But the speed rewards speak for themselves!


Thanks to considerable advantages in discharge rates, lowered internal resistance, lighter weight and more, LiPo batteries absolutely transform RC car performance for the better. Converting older NiMH powered models to LiPo setups reliably provides significant speed improvements. Combined with robust electronics, intelligent gearing calibration, and an adequately cooled drivetrain, LiPos enable your RC cars to run at their true maximum potential. Just be sure to carefully follow best practices for handling, charging, and discharging LiPo packs to safely manage the chemical risks that accompany their immense power density. While calling for responsible use, RC LiPo batteries undoubtedly unleash incredible speed when properly implemented.


How do I know how many LiPo cells (1S, 2S etc) are ideal for my application?

Match LiPo cell counts to your motor’s recommended voltage – for mild brushless motors this often will be 2S. High output race motors may recommend 3S-4S configs. NiMH equivalents are also a guideline (1S=4 cell NiMH).

What connector types do LiPo batteries use vs NiMH packs?

LiPos typically use XT60, Deans, EC3 and other connectors. NiMH stick packs often use Tamiya connectors. Ensure your charger and ESC provide matching connector types. Adapters are available.

Do LiPo batteries require special chargers?

Yes, you should always use LiPo compatible chargers supporting lithium battery chemistry and balance charging. This is essential for both performance and safety. Never try to charge LiPos with a standard wall charger.

How can I estimate total run time from a LiPo pack’s mAh rating?

Divide pack capacity (in mAh) by current draw. For example a 5000 mAh pack paired with a system pulling 50 amps yields around 100 minutes (5000 / 50 = 100) of run time. Reduce estimate by 25% for real world conditions.

What causes LiPo battery puffing/swelling? Is this dangerous?

Swelling indicates physical damage and gassing inside the cells. The battery should beDisconnected immediately and disposed of properly in a fire safe container. Never attempt to recharge or use puffy/swollen LiPo packs.

How many charge cycles can I expect from my LiPo batteries?

Around 300-500 cycles is typical if cared for properly. Don’t discharge below storage voltage when not in use, avoid damage, and prevent overheating during use and charging. Handle packs gently.

How can I maximize the lifespan of my LiPo batteries?

Avoid fully draining, store batteries partially charged at storage voltage, prevent short circuits, charge at no more than 1C rate, allow cooling between runs, balance charge, and avoid physical damage. Also limit maximum discharge to around 80% to minimize cell depletion.

What should I do if a LiPo battery catches fire?

Immediately deploy a fire extinguisher designed for electrical fires, or in an emergency douse the fire with salt water if an extinguisher isn’t available. Dispose of damaged batteries properly, treating them as hazardous waste. Work in a fire safe area when charging.

Can I convert an older NiMH powered RC model to LiPo safely?

Yes, but the system needs brushed motors and ESCs rated for at least 2S LiPo usage. The higher torque requires gearing down. Add fans for cooling if needed. Verify your charger handles LiPos. Make the conversions with care to operate safely at higher voltages.

Unleashing the Power: How Lipo Batteries Can Boost Speed in Your RC Car

The Power Source for RC Cars and the Common Belief of Lipo Battery’s Effect on Speed

Remote-controlled (RC) cars have been popular for decades, enjoyed by children and adults alike. The thrill of controlling a miniature car that speeds down tracks, jumps over obstacles, or even races against other RC cars is unmatched.

But what powers these small yet mighty machines? The answer lies in their batteries.

Typically, RC cars are powered by rechargeable battery packs that provide the necessary voltage and current needed to create movement in the motor. These battery packs come in various types such as nickel-cadmium (NiCad), nickel-metal hydride (NiMH), and lithium-polymer (lipo).

However, there is a common belief among RC car enthusiasts that lipo batteries can make an RC car faster. While this belief may hold some truth, it is important to understand the science behind it and whether lipo batteries are truly the key to achieving faster speeds with RC cars.

The Different Types of Batteries Used in RC Cars

Before delving into how lipo batteries affect an RC car’s speed, let’s first take a look at the different types of batteries used in these miniature vehicles. Nickel-cadmium (NiCad) batteries were once commonly used as power sources for RC cars due to their ability to provide high amounts of current output.

However, they have fallen out of favor due to their toxic nature and low energy density compared to other types of batteries. Nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries became more popular as NiCad alternatives because they don’t contain toxic substances and boast higher energy densities than NiCads.

They also tend to be less expensive than lipo batteries but fall short in terms of power output. Lithium-polymer (lipo) batteries have become increasingly popular as technology continues to advance.

Lipos are known for their high energy density, low weight, and high output voltage with less voltage sag. They are also more expensive than NiMH batteries and require special care when charging and discharging.

The Common Belief of Lipo Battery’s Effect on Speed

One of the main reasons lipo batteries have gained popularity in the RC car community is due to the belief that they can increase an RC car’s speed. The idea is that since lipo batteries provide higher voltage output than other types of batteries, they can increase the RPM (revolutions per minute) of the motor and ultimately lead to faster speeds.

While this belief holds some truth, it’s important to note that a battery alone does not guarantee an increase in speed. Other factors such as motor size, gearing, tire size, and weight distribution also play a role in determining an RC car’s top speed.

Additionally, using a higher voltage battery such as a lipo battery may not always be suitable for certain types of motors or ESCs (electronic speed controllers). Using a battery with too high of a voltage output could damage these components or even cause them to fail entirely.

The Verdict on Lipo Batteries’ Effect on Speed

While it is true that lipo batteries have the potential to increase an RC car’s speed due to their high energy density and voltage output, it is not a guaranteed solution for achieving faster speeds. Other factors such as gearing and weight distribution must be taken into consideration when trying to achieve maximum performance from an RC car. Furthermore, it is crucial to use caution when selecting a battery for your specific setup.

Using a battery with too high or too low of an output could negatively affect performance or even cause damage to vital components. While there may be some truth behind the common belief that lipo batteries make RC cars faster, it is essential to approach the topic with a critical eye and consider all factors involved in achieving optimal performance.

What are Lipo batteries?

Lithium Polymer (LiPo) batteries are a type of rechargeable battery that have gained popularity in the RC car community due to their high power density and relative light weight. They are made up of multiple cells, each containing a positive electrode, negative electrode, and electrolyte.

The electrolyte in LiPo batteries is composed of a gel-like substance that is less prone to leakage than the liquid electrolyte used in other battery types. One of the main differences between LiPo batteries and other types of batteries used in RC cars is their voltage.

LiPo batteries typically have a higher nominal voltage than Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd) or Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries. This means that fewer cells are required to achieve the same voltage output as other battery types.

The Advantages of Using Lipo Batteries over Other Types

There are several advantages to using LiPo batteries over NiCd or NiMH batteries in an RC car. Firstly, as mentioned earlier, LiPo batteries have a higher power density than other battery types. This means that they can provide more power output for their size and weight.

Secondly, LiPo batteries have a lower internal resistance than other battery types, meaning they are capable of handling higher current loads without overheating or becoming damaged. This makes them ideal for use in high-performance RC cars where high current draw is common.

Thirdly, LiPo batteries also tend to have a longer lifespan than NiCd or NiMH batteries due to their ability to handle deep discharges without significant degradation. This means that they require less frequent replacement and can provide better value for money over time.

Another advantage of using LiPo batteries is their versatility when it comes to charging options. Unlike NiCd or NiMH batteries which require specific charging protocols, most modern chargers can be adapted for use with LiPo batteries, providing greater convenience and flexibility.

Overall, the advantages of using LiPo batteries in RC cars make them a popular choice among hobbyists who are looking for high performance and reliability from their power source. However, it is important to note that LiPo batteries require special care and attention to ensure safe use, which will be discussed in more detail later in this article.

How do Lipo Batteries Affect Speed?

The role of battery power in RC car speed

An RC car’s speed is determined by many factors, but one of the most important ones is its battery power. Without a strong and efficient battery, the car simply won’t be able to reach its full potential.

That’s why many enthusiasts turn to lipo batteries as a way to improve their vehicle’s performance. But how exactly do lipo batteries affect an RC car’s speed?

Voltage and current: Explaining the basics

To understand how lipo batteries impact RC car speed, it’s important to have a basic understanding of voltage and current. Voltage represents the amount of electrical potential in a battery; it determines how fast electrons flow from one end of the battery to the other. Current refers to the rate at which these electrons are flowing; it is measured in amps.

The combination of voltage and current determines a battery’s total power output, which can be used to calculate an RC car’s maximum achievable speed. Essentially, if you increase either voltage or current (or both), you’ll get more power out of your battery — which means faster speeds.

The relationship between voltage, current, and speed

When powered by a lipo battery, an RC car will generally see an increase in both voltage and current relative to other types of batteries. This means that there will be more energy flowing through the motor at any given moment — resulting in higher speeds. However, there are some important caveats here.

For one thing, increasing voltage too much can actually damage your vehicle’s electronics or motor over time (although modern ESCs are designed with protections against this). Additionally, higher voltages may require changes in gearing or other components in order for your vehicle to handle them correctly.

Ultimately though, if you’re looking to maximize your car’s speed, a lipo battery is likely going to be the best option. Its high voltage and current output will provide the power you need to hit faster top speeds — as long as you take appropriate safety precautions and tune your car accordingly.

Other factors that can impact speed with lipo batteries

Of course, it’s worth noting that battery power alone isn’t the only factor that determines RC car speed. Other factors such as motor size, gearing, and weight distribution can all play a role as well.

For example, if your vehicle has a motor with low torque output, it may struggle to effectively use the high power output of a lipo battery. Similarly, gearing changes may be necessary in order to optimize performance at different speeds.

When using a lipo battery in an RC car for the first time, it’s important to experiment with different settings and configurations to find what works best for your particular setup. With careful tuning and some trial-and-error testing, you should be able to unlock the full potential of this powerful battery technology.

Factors that Affect Speed with Lipo Batteries

The Importance of Motor Size

When it comes to RC cars, motor size plays a critical role in determining the overall speed of the car. The larger the motor, the more power it can generate, which translates into faster speeds.

However, having a larger motor also means that you need a more powerful lipo battery to power it, which can increase costs. Another important factor to consider when it comes to motors is their efficiency.

A highly efficient motor will generate more power from the same amount of battery energy than an inefficient one. This means that you can achieve faster speeds with less battery usage if you have a highly efficient motor.

Gearing and Its Impact on Speed

Gearing is another key factor that affects the speed of an RC car powered by a lipo battery. In simple terms, gearing refers to the ratio between the number of teeth on the motor’s pinion gear and those on its spur gear.

A higher gear ratio means that your car will have more torque but lower top speeds while lower ratios produce higher top speeds but reduced torque. Finding an optimal gear ratio is critical because different models require different ratios depending on factors such as size and weight distribution.

The Importance of Weight Distribution

Weight distribution plays a crucial role in determining how well your RC car performs when powered by a lipo battery. An evenly distributed weight improves traction and stability during turns, resulting in better overall performance.

To achieve ideal weight distribution, engineers typically shift as much mass towards the center or rear of their models as possible. This helps keep all four wheels planted firmly on the ground during acceleration and cornering at high speeds.

How Different Factors Interact with Each Other

While each factor mentioned above has its unique effect on performance when using lipo batteries, it is essential to understand how these factors interact with each other. For example, motor size and gearing are closely linked because a larger motor requires a different gear ratio than a smaller one. Similarly, weight distribution can affect the performance of both the motor and gearing.

Engineering an RC car that maximizes the benefits of using lipo batteries requires careful consideration of all these factors in concert. The final design should account for each factor’s impact on the other to produce an RC car that is both fast and efficient.


While lipo batteries play a significant role in improving the speed of RC cars, they are not the only determining factor. Other critical factors such as motor size, gearing, and weight distribution also have significant impacts on overall performance.

When designing or upgrading an RC car to use lipo batteries, it is essential to consider all these factors carefully to achieve optimal performance. With careful consideration and proper engineering, you can create an RC car capable of achieving blistering speeds while remaining stable and safe during operation.

Pros and Cons of Using Lipo Batteries in RC Cars

Advantages of Using Lipo Batteries in RC Cars

Lipo batteries offer several advantages when used as a power source for RC cars. Firstly, they are lightweight and compact, allowing for more efficient use of space within the car’s body.

Secondly, they have a high energy density, providing more power to the motor per unit weight than other types of batteries. This translates to better acceleration and top speed performance.

Lipo batteries have a low internal resistance which means they can deliver a lot of power efficiently. Another advantage is that lipo batteries do not experience memory effect like some other types of batteries.

Memory effect occurs when the battery retains less charge over time due to repeated shallow discharges. Lipo batteries are not affected by this problem as long as they are charged and discharged correctly.

Disadvantages of Using Lipo Batteries in RC Cars

Despite their advantages over other battery types, lipo batteries also have some disadvantages. One major disadvantage is their cost – compared to other battery types, lipo batteries can be considerably more expensive.

Additionally, lipo batteries need careful handling since they can catch fire or explode if damaged or not charged correctly. Another disadvantage is that lipo batteries require specific charging equipment – standard chargers cannot be used with these types of batteries as they require precise charging currents and voltages for safety reasons.

Safety Concerns Associated with Using Lipo Batteries

As mentioned earlier, one major safety concern with using lipo batteries is the risk of fire or explosion if damaged or not handled properly. Since these types of incidents can cause significant damage, it’s important to take precautions when using and storing them.

To minimize this risk it’s important to use an appropriate charger specifically designed for use with lipo batteries, and to never leave batteries unattended while charging. Additionally, it’s recommended that lipo batteries be stored in fireproof bags or boxes when not in use, and that they are not exposed to high temperatures or direct sunlight.

It’s also important to ensure the correct charging current and voltage are used to avoid overcharging, which can lead to overheating and damage or failure of the battery. This can be particularly dangerous if it happens while the battery is inside an RC car.

While lipo batteries offer a range of advantages for RC cars – including increased speed and efficiency – they also require careful handling due to safety concerns associated with their use. It’s important to follow appropriate precautions when using and storing lipo batteries, including using an appropriate charger designed for use with these types of batteries.


Summarize key points discussed in the article

In this article, we have explored whether lipo batteries make RC cars faster. We started by defining what lipo batteries are and how they differ from other types of batteries commonly used in RC cars. We then discussed the advantages of using lipo batteries over other types of batteries.

Next, we explained how lipo batteries can affect the speed of an RC car and examined some factors that may affect the speed when powered by a lipo battery such as motor size, gearing, and weight distribution. We looked at some pros and cons of using lipo batteries in RC cars and highlighted safety concerns associated with using them.

Provide a final verdict on whether or

So the question remains: Do Lipo Batteries Make RC Cars Faster? The answer is yes, but only to a certain extent.

While it is true that lipo batteries can improve the speed performance of an RC car due to their higher voltage and current output, there are many other factors that can impact overall performance. Factors such as gearing, motor size, weight distribution, and aerodynamics all play a role in determining how fast an RC car can go.

Therefore, while upgrading your battery to a lipo one will certainly help increase speed performance up to a certain point it will not make your vehicle faster infinitely. Additionally,lipos are known for their relative instability when compared to other battery types like NiMHs or even alkalines which means they require more attention to charging ,storing etc.. A wrong handling or usage of lipos could lead to disastrous results like fire..

: Yes,lipos are capable of making your vehicle faster but it depends on various factors including but not limited to your driving style ,gearing etc . Also since lipos require special attention whilst handling them its important to be well informed about how to handle them safely.

A positive spin on the material

Overall, the use of lipo batteries in RC cars can be an excellent way to improve performance and enhance your overall driving experience. By understanding how lipos work and taking the necessary safety precautions, you can enjoy all the benefits that they have to offer. Whether you are a seasoned RC car enthusiast or just starting out with the hobby, investing in a high-quality lipo battery is definitely worth considering.