How to Test a Lipo Battery with a Multimeter

The Importance of Testing a Lipo Battery

Lithium polymer (lipo) batteries are commonly used in many electronic devices, including remote-controlled vehicles, drones, and smartphones. They are known for their high energy density and long life span.

However, lipo batteries can be dangerous if they are not handled or used properly. They have the potential to explode or catch fire if they are overcharged, discharged too quickly or damaged in any way.

That is why it is essential to test your lipo battery regularly to ensure that it is working correctly and safely. Testing your battery will help you to detect any problems early on before they become serious safety hazards.

Why Use a Multimeter for Testing?

A multimeter is an essential piece of equipment when it comes to testing lipo batteries. It is a versatile tool that measures voltage, current, and resistance. It provides accurate measurements of the battery’s state, which can help detect any issues.

A multimeter can also help you determine the remaining charge left in your lipo battery. This information can be helpful in determining how much longer you can use your device before recharging.

An Overview of the Testing Process

Before starting your testing process on your lipo battery using a multimeter, ensure that you have all necessary equipment at hand:

  • A Multimeter with voltage and resistance settings
  • Safety gloves and goggles
  • Battery charger
  • The Lipo battery to be tested

Inspect the condition of the battery for swelling or damage before handling it. There are two types of tests that should be done: voltage testing and resistance testing. Voltage testing measures the voltage output from a charged cell while resistance testing provides readings from circuit paths within cells.

It’s important always to wear safety equipment such as gloves and goggles while handling lipo batteries. In the next section, we will look at voltage testing in more detail.

Preparing for Testing

Gather necessary equipment

Before starting testing, it is essential to gather all the necessary tools. You will need a multimeter with voltage and resistance settings, safety gloves and goggles, a battery charger, and of course, the Lipo battery that you want to test. Make sure that all the tools you are using are in good condition.

Multimeter with voltage and resistance settings

The multimeter is an essential tool for measuring the voltage and resistance of the lipo battery. It is vital to choose a good quality multimeter that has both voltage and resistance settings. A digital meter will be much easier to read than an analog one.

Safety gloves and goggles

Safety gloves and goggles are critical when dealing with Lipo batteries. You should always wear protective gloves and goggles when handling them. Lipo batteries can be dangerous if not handled properly, so be sure to have these items on hand before starting your testing.

Battery charger

You will also need a battery charger for charging your lipo battery after testing it thoroughly. It is recommended to use a smart charger that automatically detects your lipo’s specifications such as cell count, charge rate, etc.

Lipo battery to be tested

It goes without saying that you cannot test a lipo battery without actually having one! Be sure to have the correct type of lipo battery available for testing based on its chemical composition (lithium polymer or lithium-ion) as well as its capacity (mAh), discharge rate (C rating), cell count (S), or pack configuration.

Inspect the Battery for Any Damage or Swelling

Before beginning any tests on your lipo battery, inspect it carefully for any damage or swelling. If there are any visible signs of damage, do not use the battery, and dispose of it safely.

Swollen batteries are also a warning sign, indicating that the battery has been damaged or overcharged. In either case, you should not use it for testing.

Before beginning any tests on your lipo battery, you should gather all necessary equipment and inspect the battery for any damage or swelling. Safety gloves and goggles are essential when handling Lipo batteries as they can be dangerous if not handled properly.

A multimeter with voltage and resistance settings is an essential tool for measuring the voltage and resistance of the lipo battery. Always use a smart charger to recharge your lipo battery after testing it thoroughly to avoid any complications.

Voltage Testing

Set up the multimeter to measure DC voltage

Before testing a lipo battery with a multimeter, it is essential to set the device to measure DC voltage. The black probe should be connected to the COM port of the multimeter, while the red probe should be inserted into the VΩmA port. Turn on the multimeter and select the DC voltage setting.

Connect the positive and negative probes to the corresponding terminals on the battery

To test a lipo battery’s voltage, connect one probe to its positive terminal and another probe to its negative terminal. The positive terminal is usually marked with a “+” symbol, while the negative one is labeled with a “-” symbol.

Be careful not to short circuit or connect probes in reverse polarity as it can cause permanent damage or even an explosion of a lipo battery. It is recommended always to hold probes securely before making contact with terminals as any movement can cause a short circuit which may have catastrophic results.

Record the voltage reading displayed on the multimeter

After connecting probes correctly, read and record displayed values on your device. According to manufacturer specifications fully charged lipo batteries should read between 4.2V for each cell (connected in parallel) (8.4 volts for 2S pack) down till around 3V per cell (6 volts for 2S pack). If readings are consistent with manufacturer specifications, then you have nothing else needful at this point; however, if readings differ significantly from what manufacturer’s recommendations show or previous measurements taken earlier from such batteries indicate that something may be wrong within it -It’s worthy of further investigation.

The Importance of Voltage Testing:

Some people may wonder why they need to test their lipo batteries’ voltages regularly since they cannot see their internal condition. However, voltage testing is an essential aspect of maintaining the health and safety of your battery. A low voltage might indicate a depleted or damaged cell.

In contrast, a high voltage could suggest overcharging or overheating, both of which are potentially dangerous situations that should be addressed immediately. Therefore, by testing the battery’s voltage regularly with a multimeter, you can identify any potential problems before they become more significant issues that may cause harm to people or property.


Voltage testing is an integral part of testing lipo batteries’ health and safety. With the help of a multimeter, it is easy to measure DC voltage by connecting positive and negative probes to corresponding terminals on the battery. Recording these readings helps identify any potential problems early in their development cycle so they can be addressed before becoming more severe issues that may harm people or property.

Resistance Testing

Measuring Resistance with a Multimeter

The resistance of a battery is an important parameter to measure, as it tells us how much current the battery can supply to a load. To measure the resistance of a lipo battery, we need to set up the multimeter in the resistance measuring mode. The resistance measuring mode is usually indicated by the Greek letter Omega (Ω) on the multimeter.

Connecting Probes to Battery Terminals

Once we have set up our multimeter for measuring resistance, we can connect the probes to the terminals of our lipo battery. In this case, we will connect one probe to one terminal of the battery and another probe to another terminal of the same battery. It doesn’t matter which probe goes where since in DC circuits; resistors have no polarity.

To make sure that your readings are accurate, you need first to disconnect any load from your lipo battery and ensure that it is fully charged before taking measurements. Also, wear safety gloves and goggles during testing since lipo batteries can be dangerous if not handled properly.

Taking Resistance Readings

Once you have connected your probes correctly and ensured safety precautions are taken care of, you can now take your resistance readings by reading what is displayed on your multimeter’s screen. The reading displayed on most digital multimeters will be in Ohms (Ω), which indicates how much electrical resistance there is across our lipo battery terminals.

The higher the value read on our multimeter implies our lipo battery has more internal electrical resistance. It’s always good practice first to record both voltage and resistance values for each of your tests so that you can compare them later against specifications provided by manufacturers or other sources.

Interpreting Resistance Readings

Interpretation of results involves comparing the resistance values obtained against those recommended by the manufacturer. Most lipo batteries have a manufacturer’s recommended range of internal resistance values.

If the measured resistance of our lipo battery falls within this range, it implies that our battery is healthy and meets its manufacturer’s specifications. However, if the measured resistance falls outside of this range, it could signify that there is an issue with our battery or that it has reached its end of life.


Measuring resistance is just one step in testing a lipo battery using a multimeter. Accurate measurement of both voltage and internal electrical resistance can provide insight into how well your battery can perform under load and whether there are any issues that need addressing. Taking these measurements will not only give you peace of mind but help ensure proper use and management of your lipo batteries over their lifespan.

Interpreting Results and Conclusion

Compare results with manufacturer’s specifications

After successfully conducting the voltage and resistance tests on your lipo battery, it’s important to compare the resulting readings with the manufacturer’s specifications. Manufacturers usually provide information about the expected voltage and resistance ranges for their batteries. This information can often be found on a label on the battery or in its accompanying documentation.

If your readings fall within the specified ranges, then your lipo battery is likely in good condition. However, if you notice that any of your readings are significantly higher or lower than what is specified by the manufacturer, it may indicate a problem with your battery.

It is worth noting that some manufacturers may have different specifications for different models of batteries. Therefore, it’s important to make sure you’re looking at the correct information when comparing results.

Analyze results and determine if further action is needed

Once you have compared your results to the manufacturer’s specifications, it’s time to analyze them and determine whether any further action is needed. If all of your readings fall within acceptable ranges, then there may be no need for concern. However, if any of your readings are outside of acceptable ranges or differ significantly from previous tests done on the same battery, then further investigation should be taken.

You could repeat the tests several times on different days to confirm before taking any other action. If you suspect that there might be an issue with your lipo battery based on test results analysis or visual observations such as swelling or physical damage to its casing , it is best to consult a specialist before using this potentially dangerous equipment again.

Conclude by summarizing findings

Testing a lipo battery with a multimeter can help identify potential issues before they become dangerous problems. By following proper procedures and safety guidelines as explained earlier in this article and comparing results with manufacturer’s specifications, you can determine the status of your lipo battery and decide if any further action is needed.

It is important to note that lipo batteries are potentially hazardous items and should be used cautiously. If you are not confident in your ability to test or handle these items safely, it may be best to seek professional assistance or instruction.

Remember, safety first – never take shortcuts while handling lipo batteries. Taking proper precautions may seem cumbersome but can save lives and equipment in the long run.

Safety Precautions while handling Lipo Batteries

Understanding the Dangers of Lipo Batteries

Lipo batteries have become increasingly popular due to their high energy density and compact size, but it’s important to understand that these batteries can be volatile if not handled properly. The chemistry of lipo batteries makes them more likely to catch fire or explode than other types of batteries. When a lipo battery is damaged or punctured, it can release flammable gas which can ignite in the presence of oxygen.

Protecting Yourself during Handling

It’s important to wear safety gloves and goggles when handling lipo batteries, especially during testing or charging. Gloves should be made from non-conductive materials such as latex or nitrile rubber and should fit snugly without being too tight. Goggles will protect your eyes from any sparks generated during testing or charging.

Charging Precautions

Lipo batteries should only be charged using a charger designed for this type of battery. Using the wrong type of charger can cause overcharging, which can lead to a fire or explosion. It’s also important to never leave a charging lipo battery unattended as this can increase the risk of an incident occurring.

Storage Precautions

When storing lipo batteries, they should be kept away from heat sources and direct sunlight as these factors can cause the battery to become unstable. Lipo batteries should also never be stored in an area where they may come into contact with metal objects such as keys or coins as this can damage the outer casing and lead to a fire.

Disposing of Lipo Batteries Safely

When disposing of lipo batteries, it’s important to do so in accordance with local regulations and guidelines. Many areas have specific rules around the disposal of batteries due to their potential environmental impact.

It’s important to never dispose of lipo batteries in a fire or incinerator as this can release toxic chemicals into the air. Instead, look for designated battery recycling centers or programs in your area.


Lipo batteries are powerful energy sources that should be treated with respect and caution. Following these safety precautions will go a long way in minimizing the risk of an incident occurring while handling or disposing of lipo batteries. Always remember to wear protective gear, follow charging and storage guidelines, and dispose of lipo batteries properly to keep yourself and others safe.