My Arrma Granite wont Reverse: A Guide to Fixing Reverse Issues


The Capabilities of the Arrma Granite RC Truck

The Arrma Granite is a popular remote control (RC) truck that is known for its incredible speed, power, and agility. With a 4-wheel drive system and robust suspension, it can handle rough terrain with ease.

The truck also features waterproof electronics, which means it can be driven through mud, snow, and water without any issues. The Arrma Granite comes in various sizes and models, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced users.

The Issue of the Truck Not Reversing

Despite its impressive capabilities, some users may encounter an issue where the Arrma Granite won’t reverse. This problem can be frustrating because reversing is an essential feature for RC trucks as it allows them to navigate tight spaces or make quick turns without having to turn around entirely. There are various reasons why the truck may not be reversing correctly.

It could be due to a fault with the electronic speed controller (ESC), motor problems or something else altogether. Regardless of the cause of the problem, addressing it quickly will ensure that you continue to enjoy using your Arrma Granite RC truck.

In this article, we will explain what could cause this issue and how you can fix it yourself with simple steps or advanced troubleshooting techniques if necessary. We’ll also provide tips on maintaining your vehicle properly to prevent this issue from recurring in the future.

Why Reverse Functionality Matters

Reverse functionality is more than just convenience – it’s necessary for maneuvering an RC truck in challenging situations. For example, if you’re driving your truck through narrow paths or tight spots, reverse functionality allows you to back up quickly without having to turn around completely.

Some models of the Arrma Granite even come equipped with a reverse lockout feature that prevents accidental activation while moving forward at high speed. This feature protects the truck from potential damage and ensures its longevity.

Without reverse functionality, the Arrma Granite becomes less versatile and more challenging to maneuver. Therefore, if you encounter a problem with your truck’s reverse feature, it’s essential to address it promptly.

Possible Causes of the Issue

Arrma Granite is a high-performance remote-controlled truck with impressive power and speed capabilities. However, there can be instances when the truck’s reverse function fails to work properly, leaving users frustrated and disappointed. Here we will discuss some of the most common reasons why Arrma Granite may not reverse and how to troubleshoot these issues to determine the root cause.

Faulty ESC

The electronic speed controller (ESC) is an essential component responsible for controlling the speed and direction of your Arrma Granite RC truck. A faulty ESC can cause a variety of issues, including failure to reverse. Check your ESC by removing it from the truck and inspecting it carefully for any signs of damage or cracks on its surface.

If you notice any visible damage, it may be necessary to replace your ESC altogether. If you do not see any visible damage, you may need to test your ESC using a multimeter.

To do this, first disconnect all power sources from your RC truck and remove the ESC from its housing. Then use a multimeter set at DC voltage mode to test each wire on the ESC’s connector pins while rotating its throttle stick forward (this will test forward functionality).

Repeat this process but rotate throttle stick backward this time (to test reversing functionality). If voltage readings appear normal in one direction but not another direction, then your ESC is likely faulty.

Malfunctioning Motor

The motor in Arrma Granite is responsible for powering its wheels and controlling its movement in both forward and reverse directions. A malfunctioning motor can prevent proper functioning of the reverse function or even stop movement altogether if serious enough. To check if your motor is malfunctioning or damaged, first remove it from your RC truck with tools appropriate for this task.

Inspect both wiring connections and the motor itself for any signs of physical damage or wear such as burn marks, melted components, or shorts. If you find any visible damage on your motor, then replacing it may be necessary.

If there is no visible damage, you can test the motor using a multimeter set to resistance mode. Place one of the probes from the multimeter on either of the two soldering points of each wire terminal on the motor while placing another probe on a common ground point.

Resistance readings should appear between 2-4 ohms (resistance values may vary depending on your specific model). Any reading above or below this range could indicate that your motor is malfunctioning.

Broken Gears

The gears in Arrma Granite are essential for transferring power from the motor to its wheels and controlling its movement in both forward and reverse directions. Broken gears can cause grinding sounds or even stoppage altogether if serious enough. Check thoroughly for broken gears by opening up your Arrma Granite’s housing and inspecting each gear carefully.

If you notice any worn-out teeth, cracks, or other signs of damage on any gear within your RC truck, it may be necessary to replace them entirely. You can find replacement parts online or at hobby stores for all models of Arrma Granite.

Loose Wiring Connections

We cannot forget about simple loose wiring connections that cause issues like failing to reverse with arrma granite trucks. Loose wiring connections caused by wires not properly attached during manufacturing bad driving habits from users cause failure to reverse in arrma granite trucks .

A loose connection can impede proper signal transmission between components and interfere with their functioning altogether. To check this issue make sure all wiring connections are plugged securely within their respective connectors appropriately matching colors if possible and double-checking against RC truck’s manual for proper connection placement.

Solutions to Fixing the Issue

Fixing a Faulty ESC

One possible cause of the Arrma Granite’s reverse issue is a faulty ESC. If this is the case, it will need to be replaced.

The first step is to remove the old ESC by unscrewing it from the truck’s chassis and disconnecting all wires attached to it. Once removed, install the new ESC in its place and connect all wires back to their appropriate connections.

It’s important to note that not all ESCs are compatible with every motor, so make sure to choose an ESC that is specifically designed for your motor. Additionally, be sure to follow any instructions provided by the manufacturer when installing your new ESC.

Replacing a Faulty Motor

Another potential cause of the reverse issue could be a faulty motor. If this is the case, replacing it will likely resolve the problem. To replace your Arrma Granite’s motor, begin by removing it from its mount on top of the transmission housing.

Next, disconnect all wires connected to the motor and remove any screws or bolts holding it in place. Replace with a new motor that is compatible with your truck’s setup and reattach all wires and screws as necessary.

Maintenance Tips for Preventing Future Issues

In order to prevent future issues with your Arrma Granite’s reverse function, there are several maintenance tips you can follow. First and foremost, regularly inspect all wiring connections for signs of wear or damage that could lead to issues down the line. Additionally, make sure that your truck’s transmission gears are well-lubricated and free from any debris or dirt buildup that could impede their function.

Consider upgrading your truck’s battery if you frequently use it at high speeds or for extended periods of time. A higher quality battery can help ensure reliable performance over time.

Diagnosing Future Issues

If you do continue to experience issues with your Arrma Granite’s reverse function, there are several other potential causes that could be at play. Some common culprits include faulty wiring connections, damaged gears or bearings, and programming issues with the ESC.

To diagnose these issues, begin by inspecting all wiring connections and checking for any loose or damaged wires. If that doesn’t solve the problem, move on to inspecting the truck’s gears and bearings for signs of wear or damage.

If neither of those solutions works, consider adjusting the programming settings on your ESC. Refer to manufacturer instructions or seek advice from online forums for guidance on how to properly adjust your ESC settings without causing further damage.

Replacement Parts

In order to fix a faulty ESC or motor, you will need certain replacement parts. For example, if you determine that your ESC is causing the reverse issue, you will need a new one that is compatible with your motor.

Likewise, if a faulty motor is determined to be the root cause of the issue, you will need a new motor that is also compatible with your truck’s setup. Be sure to research carefully when selecting replacement parts in order to ensure compatibility and avoid further problems down the line.

Advanced Troubleshooting Techniques

The Importance of Advanced Troubleshooting

When your Arrma Granite RC truck isn’t reversing, it can be tempting to try simple fixes like replacing the battery or checking the connections. However, if these solutions don’t work, advanced troubleshooting techniques may be necessary. These techniques are for more experienced users who have a deeper understanding of how RC trucks work and their electrical components.

Advanced troubleshooting techniques can save you time and money in the long run by helping you pinpoint problems more accurately. They can also help you avoid guesswork and prevent damage to your truck by not replacing parts that may not be faulty.

Checking Wiring Connections

One possible cause of an Arrma Granite not reversing is a loose or disconnected wire connection. An experienced user can check all wiring connections to ensure they are connected properly and tightly.

To do this, you will need to remove the body of the truck first so that you have access to all the wiring connections. You should perform visual inspections on each connection while looking for any loose or disconnected wires or shorts in the circuitry.

Ensure that each wire is properly connected to its corresponding point in other components like motors, batteries, and ESCs. If there are any loose wires detected, use a soldering iron and heat-shrink tubing if necessary when reconnecting them to prevent future issues with those same connections.

Adjusting Programming Settings on The ESC

The Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) is responsible for controlling both forward and reverse functions on an Arrma Granite RC truck. Issues with reversing could be due to incorrect programming settings on the ESC.

Experienced users should adjust programming settings on their ESCs carefully as improper adjustments can cause damage to your vehicle’s electronics. It’s recommended that before making any changes one should make sure they fully understand what they’re doing by reading through the ESC manual.

Common settings that can cause issues include throttle programming, reversing trigger timing, and brake force, among others. Users should be aware of the specific programming set-up of their specific model and correct any programming errors.

Servicing Motor

If none of the above techniques works both experienced and inexperienced users should inspect their motor for any issues. If there is an issue detected with the motor, it can affect both forward and reverse functions.

To service a motor disconnect it from the ESC as well as all wires connected to it. Then remove its retaining screws so you can pull out the rotor for cleaning and inspection.

You will need to use a brush to remove any debris from inside the motor like dust or sand which may have been accumulated over time. If correcting any issue doesn’t solve your problem, disassemble your entire truck’s components again to further troubleshoot more advanced possible causes such as internal component damage or even hidden wiring problems.


Advanced troubleshooting techniques require practice, patience, and a deep understanding of RC trucks’ electrical components like ESCs and motors. Before making any changes to your Arrma Granite RC truck’s advanced settings or attempting more advanced troubleshooting techniques be sure that you’re confident in your skills with these types of procedures.

Remember that if something goes wrong during troubleshooting it can cause additional damage to other parts of your truck’s electronic systems! It’s always recommended seeking professional help when unsure about anything regarding advanced troubleshooting so that you don’t end up causing more problems than before trying a fix at home!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my Arrma Granite not reversing?

There could be several reasons why your Arrma Granite isn’t reversing. The most common issues are a faulty ESC or motor. It’s important to troubleshoot these parts to determine the root cause of the issue.

How do I troubleshoot the ESC and motor?

To troubleshoot the ESC, you can check the wiring connections for any loose or disconnected wires. You can also try recalibrating the ESC or reprogramming it to factory settings. For troubleshooting the motor, you can check for any physical damage, such as broken gears or a seized rotor.

Do I need any special tools to fix my truck?

You may need some basic tools, such as screwdrivers and pliers, to open up your truck and access the ESC and motor. If you need to replace any parts, such as a new ESC or motor, you will need specific replacement parts that are compatible with your Arrma Granite.

What should I do if none of these solutions work?

If none of these solutions work, it may be best to take your truck into a professional RC repair shop for further diagnosis and repair. They will have specialized tools and equipment needed for advanced troubleshooting techniques.

How can I prevent this issue from happening in the future?

Maintaining your truck regularly is key in preventing issues like this from happening in the future. Some tips include checking wiring connections before each use, avoiding harsh driving conditions that could damage components like motors or gears, and keeping your truck clean after every use.


The Arrma Granite is an exceptional RC truck with impressive capabilities. However, users may face the issue of the truck not reversing, which can be frustrating. In this article, we have outlined some common causes of this issue and provided effective ways to address them.

Addressing Common Causes of Reverse Issues in RC Trucks

Whether it’s a faulty ESC or motor, loose wiring connections, or programming settings on the ESC that need adjusting, there are many potential reasons why your Arrma Granite may not be reversing. By following our troubleshooting techniques and solutions for fixing these issues step-by-step, users can quickly identify the cause and resolve it with minimal disruption to their truck’s performance.

Maintaining Your Arrma Granite for Optimal Performance

To prevent future issues from occurring and ensure optimal performance from your Arrma Granite, regular maintenance is key. This includes keeping an eye on any signs of wear or damage to your truck’s components, cleaning it regularly after use to prevent dirt buildup and ensuring all connections are secure before each run.

The Importance of Advanced Troubleshooting Techniques

If you’re an experienced user looking to take your troubleshooting skills to the next level, advanced techniques such as checking wiring connections or adjusting programming settings on your ESC can help you quickly identify the root cause of a reverse issue and resolve it with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions About Reverse Issues in RC Trucks

We’ve also compiled a list of frequently asked questions related to reverse issues in RC trucks that should help address any concerns or uncertainties you may have about fixing your Arrma Granite’s reverse function. From how to access programming settings on your ESC to identifying common symptoms of a faulty motor or ESC – we’ve got you covered!

Overall, while facing issues such as the Arrma Granite not reversing can be frustrating at first, with proper troubleshooting techniques and regular maintenance, users can quickly identify the cause and resolve it with ease. We hope this guide has been helpful in providing you with the tools and knowledge needed to keep your Arrma Granite running smoothly.